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Monday, September 27, 2004

The distance between us seems to become shorter...

My feelings for you is much more stronger...

But do you feel the strength of my care and love towards you?

So near yet so far seems to be the most appropriate sentence to use,

because I know nothing about how u feel towards me...

I want to but I am scare to know the truth...

Maybe time will be the best thing to reveal it...

But i just can't bear to see you being hurt 1 more time,

shedding another drop of tear...

I just want you to lay in my arms and protect you forever

and not getting hurt ever again...

But will there be any chance for me?

AnTzX painted at
2:26 AM

sHld haF wrOtE tiS ytD bUt toO tiReD to wrITe le So UntIL Now DeN WrITe... It WaS mR cHan N MisS tAn's wEddIn YtD... thEy wEre boTh mY tEaCheR iN mY seC sCh DaYs... Nv eXpeCt tAt tHeY wIll tUrn Out tO b a CouPle In thE End n GeT mArRiEd... LOLz... It Is gReAt tIme rEaLLi aTtEnD thE wEddin Cos iT gAtHErs aLoT oF tHE eX-NvSs Ppl... wHIch MaKeS iT MoRe thAn a WeDdIn aCtuaLLi... dUrin tHe CeRemOnY thErE wAs a sLidE sHow aBt boTh oF thEm... i LikE iT aLot CoS iTs MakE uNtiL sO NIcE lOh... dEn aNotHEr thIng iS tAt Mr ChaN's sPeCiAL IteM FoR Miss TaN... hE CoMpOsEd A sOnG sPeCiaLLy For HEr... sO sWeEt rITe? =) tHE MelOdY iS NicE N tHE LyrIcS iS oso VeRy MEaNinfUl... aFtEr ThE cErEMoNy wE aLL gAthEr HErE N thEre tO cHit cHat n CaTch uP wIf EaCh oThEr CoS soMe OF uS HaSnT SeEn eAcH OThEr FoR qUIte SomEtiMEs le... dEn aFtEr eVerYtHIng eNdEd i togEtHEr Wif a fEw of tHEm wHen tO tOWn... aT fIRsT wAnnA caTCh ReSiDenT eViL 2 bUT wAs tOO laTe sO wE weNT to eAt At pIzZa HuT aT sUnteC... dEn aFTeR tat wanTeD tO Play PooL aT MArInA sQuARe bUT thE wHoLE pLaCe iS lIke hAvIn mAjOr rEnoVaTIon sO wE dEcIdEd tO gO to eSpLanaDe To fINd a PlaCe N cHILL OuT... wHErEaS bEn LEOnG n sUm oTheRs wEnT To MeeT Rc tHEy All N gO cHiNa blaCk... On tHE wAy thErE n MsG LiFaNg n asKeD WaT sHE DoIn dEn sKAlI sHe OSo aT arD eSPlAnAdE buT gOIn tO go cHina bLAck wiF heR fRieND n hEr frIenD bF... sO sHE aSk mi wAnnA go aLOnG... dEn AfTeR soMe tOts i DeCidEd to PanG sEg My fRiEndS n gO fINd HEr... n oSo giVe bEn LeOng They aLL a sURpriSe cOS i ToLd ThEm eArLieR tAt i dUn fEeL lIkE gOIn... =P DeN wE aLL qUiCKlY rUsH tO cHiNa bLaCk cOs wE scaRe tOo maNy pPl dEn CanT gEt In oN tImE... bUT wHEn wE rEaCh tHErE tHE aMt oF Ppl wAs leSseR than ExPEctEd... heNg Sia... bUt Rc TheY aLL wErE noT tHErE YeT cOS tHEy wE eaTin aT fAr eAsT tHErE wHen i cALLeD Him... dEn weNt in FinALLi anD 1St saT aRd tO waiT fOr tHE rEaL paRtY to sTaRt n Rc thEy aLL tO cUm In N sUrPrIse thEm... =P aT aRd 11pm den OnlI tHEy cUm In n reALLi tHEy weRe a biT sTuNneD tO c Mi tHErE... dEn wHen tHE dAnCe fLoOr sTaRts rOCkIn i n LiFaNg n heR fRienD wiF hEr bF WeNt dANcIn In thErE... reALLi eNJoYed oUrseLvEs... Den Oso saW saRaH frOm ouR Og... aFtEr tat aRd 230 we decIdEd tO gO off cOS LiFaNg thEy aLL wErE fEeLin tiRed Liao... dEn b4 wE HeAdEd tO tAke thE buS wE sAt dOWn aT thE mAc neArby tO rElaX oUrseLvEs fOr a whiLE... aFtEr tAt i wAlKeD togEtHEr wif LiFaNg tO thE buS sToP aT sOmeRsEt tHEre wHErE wE taKe oUR bUS hM... wAt a FuN daY riTe? hahaa... =p tAts aLL fOLks...

AnTzX painted at
1:23 AM

Saturday, September 25, 2004

The sun will be out again after the heavy rain...

We had gone thru this...

Which leaves me pieces of you in my life...

AnTzX painted at
5:09 AM

Monday, September 20, 2004

jUz cAmE bAcK fRom wORk NOt LonG aGo... toDaY hAd a tIRiN dAy bUt nOT aS tiReD aS thE laST fEw SuNDaYs... cOS toDaY wE haD aLot Of mAnpOWeR aRd sO evErYThiNG weNt oN qUItE sMoOtHLy... DeN tODaY iS OsO mY bAr sUpErvIsOr's LasT dAy... dUnO y aFEw Of ThE fUll tIMeR deCiDed tO reSiGn aLL tAt... mAyB mY pLAcE iS tOo XiOnG fOR tHEm n Dun rEaLLi sUIt thEir WoRKIn sTylE oSo... aNywAy tHEy r All fuN pPl tO wORk wiF... YtD weNt oUt wiF sAifUn dID thE uSuaL stUff wE dId... PLAy peRcUssIOn FrEaK... hahaha... aFtEr tAT wE aLsO pLayEd PooL... eNjOyeD oUrsElveS cOs nV mEeT OUt FoR qUitE sUmtImeS Le.. AnywAy i tHInK tAt wE sHld rEaLLi TrY tO meEt wHEneVeR tHeRe iS a ChAncE cOs i cAn reALLi dEsTrEss.. aRgH... i m dAmN sLpy LiaO... i gO zZz Liao... =)

AnTzX painted at
1:02 AM

Saturday, September 18, 2004

bAcK aGaiN...
hELLo aLL... aFtEr sUcH a LoNg BrEaK i FiNaLLy FiNd mYseLf tYpiN mY bLog AgaIn... i DuNo wHetHEr PPl sTill rEaD mY bLOg aNOt... lOlz.. bUT Nv i wILL sTiLL tYpe oN... sOmE Of u aLL oUt tHE muZ hAd tInK i ReALLi wORk UntIL MiA LiaO... hAiz... No ChOicE... hAd 2 JobS tO haNdLe... aFtEr i sAvE eNuFF $ tO bUy thE thIngS i wAnNA tO bUy dEn i wILL gIVe MysELf a tReAt aS gOIn OvErsEaS wiF sOmE of My fRiEnDs tO rEaLLi eNjOY oURsELveS... bUt nOw i ReALLi tieD doWn wIF woRk... n rEaLLi cAnt sPEnd mUcH tiMe wiF mY bUDDiEs OUt thErE... u aLL noE wHo U r... =) dEn sUmtImeS i ReALLi tHInk tAt i m BcUmiN LikE A woRkAHoLIc... i m aLmOsT wORkiN eVeRydAy oF thE wEeK... sUmtIMes I wAnnA fINd pPl tO tOk oN mSn wHen i nOtiCe tAt MosT oF thEm Had OffLinEd... coS i uSuALLi rEAcH hM aFtEr MidNitE aFtEr My woRk... sO cAnT b HeLp... i WaNNa hAd My oFf dAy sUMtiMEs buT iS LikE thErE iS aLoT oF stAff MovEmEnt TiS feW wEeKs wheRe PPl go n nEw pPl cUm sO i MuZ b ArD tO gUIde thEm oR wAt... wHo aSk mI tO b thE 1 WiF tHE mORe exPErIEncE... =/ sO to tHosE oUt TheRe AgaIn... aLtHouGh i cAnt rEaLLi sPEnd tImE wiF u aLL noWAdAys dOEsNt MeaN tAt i dUn wAnnA b wIF u aLL oR wAt k? meAnWhiLe TaKE cArE anD sTay HaPPy aLwAYs..,

AnTzX painted at
3:30 AM

Tuesday, September 07, 2004

hmMmM... *tAKes a LoOk ArD...* sTiLL tHe saMe HerE bUt dUnO thOse Of U Out thErE sTiLL thE sAmE aNOt... i Have beeN tOO Bz wIf mY wOrk NowaDaYs UntiL i duN eVeN haVe EnUff tImE tO sLp SUmtImeS... HaIz... No cHoIce... tHOsE wHo r QuIte cLosE tO mI sHLd Noe y... aCtUllI tOt Of clOsIn tIs bLoG bUt aFtEr sUm tOt sTiLL duN 1 cOs i MayB cAnT bArE tO cLosE tIs bLog wHIcH i DId It Myself bA... hmmm... duNo Wat To WrITe Oso cOs tOo mUcH tO wIrTe iF wAnNa reCaLL thE thInGs TaT haPPeN... anYway HoPe THoSe wHo NoE MI wILL sTiLL rOcK n RoLL... oK... n wILL b bAcK sOOn... =P

AnTzX painted at
1:58 AM


Name: zX.aKa.AnThOnY.aKa.AnTzX
Age: 23 aNd CoUntInG...
Live: SoMeWheRe iN WoOdLanDs
Current Status: NuTin...


ThIs LiTtLe AnTzX hAvE bEeN cRaWLiNg aRoUnD iN tHiS BiG bIg wOrLd FoR 24 YeArS aNd CouNtiNg. It HaS GoNe ThRu cOuNtLeSs hArDsHiPs, pAin aNd SuFfErInGs tO LiVe tILL toDaY bUt wILL tHErE bE sOmEoNe WHo WiLL NotIcE tHiS inSiGnIfICanT LittLe AnTzX? eVeN sO, tHiS LitTLe AnTzX iS sTiLL cRaWLinG aNd tHe stOrY sTiLL cArrIeS On...



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